Episode 38: "Lift Off!"

"My turn! WhEEEee!!"
"Uh, Sarah... You're not..."

Episode 36: TOMATO!

"Oh wow, great aim, Hanu!"
"You like it?"
"I love tomatoes!"
"But not as much as bananas."
"Not as much as bananas."

Episode 34: Tomatoes!

H: "Who gave us these??"
S: "I dunno, someone threw them!"
H: "I love them! What are they??"
S: "I think they mean we jumped a good one!"

Episode 31: Crafternoon

"Wow, good marker-wrestling!"
"Thanks! You too!"

Episode 30: Adventures in the Big Banana

Katya and Kristin invited Hanu to their 4-way birthday party in NYC!

"I love it when they fight over me an' my pole!"

Episode 28: Bath Time


There is nothing better than soaking in hot springs after a snowball fight.

Episode 27: Hanuma-Knit-o!

Hanumanito loves his new banana-colored hat and scarf set so much, he made it snow in LA!!!

Thanks, Katya!

Episode 26: It's from 'Nana Republic!

H: "It's a box!"
S: "I wonder what's in it."
H: "There's MORE??"

Episode 25: We've Got Mail!


Thanks to Katya Usvitsky for the present!!

Welcome to the Sunny Side of Globalism!

Entertainment while you are patient during Technical Difficulties.

Awesome shark-jumping!

Episode 22: More POOP II

This looks like a perfect place for... MORE POOP!!!

(Thanks to Natalie Lu for suggesting an adventure to the potty.)

Commercial Break: "It's A Wonderful Regime Change: Cheney Jumps the Shark!"

While Hanumanito and I were taking a break in the shade of a banana tree, we came across this shark-jumping effort by Dick Cheney, looking an awful lot like Mr. Potter:

We could hear Cheney growling in mean Mr. Potter's voice:
"Look at you. You used to be so cocky. You were going to go out and conquer the world. You once called me 'a warped, frustrated, old man!' What are you but a warped, frustrated young man? A miserable little clerk crawling in here on your hands and knees and begging for help. No securities, no stocks, no bonds. Nothin' but a miserable little $500 equity in a life insurance policy."

We were delighted when, shortly after this photo, Cheney's shark-jumping show went off the air.

Photograph from TIME: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1872877_1827531,00.html

Episode 21: We await your suggestions...

Set us a scene!

Episode 20: Shark Jumping

"I'm so impressed!!!"
"I'm jumpin it!! I'm JUMPIN IT!!!"
<shark jumping definition>

Episode 19: "Hey!!!"

"Payback's an itch!"

Episode 18: "BOO!!!"


Episode 17: "...Anybody seen Sarah?"


Episode 16: Hanumanito Edits

"Hmmmmmm.... more POOP, you say, eh?"
"More Poop is ALLLways funnier."

Episode 15: "that's a lotta snore for such a little monkey."

Episode 14: Post Obamanana Food-Coma

Episode 13: Inauguration Day

Eatin' us some celebratory Obamanana!

Episode 12: Got one!

Episode 11: Hunting

Hanumanito teaches me to hunt for wild office bananas.... Shhhhhhhh!

Episode 10: Reunited!

Episode 9: Missingnito

"I don't know where he IS!!"

Episode 8: "Anybody seen Hanumanito??"

"I'm right here!! RIGHT! HEEEEEERE!!!"

Episode 7: Guerilla Gorillas

Episode 6: If Sears Catalogs Had Monkeys

We have matching outfits, today.

In the Nicomonkeyan Ethics, Aristotle says the virtuous friends look out at the world together.

Episode 5: Hanumanito flies on my nose!

Monkeys love AcroYoga, too.


Episode 3: PWNED!

Episode 2: Who's Aping Who?

Pilot: The Beginning

Back from Christmas with my 53-yr-old Steiff monkey and a nasty cold. At my PA desk.

My friend, Brandon, dubbed him Hanumanito -- for Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god, and -ito, for way freakin' cute.